HTML - I give shape to the page!!!


2 min read

HTML - I give shape to the page!!!

Hey Reader !!!

In this post, let's have know about the markup who give shape and structure to the web pages.

I'm HTML - HyperText MarkUp Language

Why we use HTML?

  • HTML stands first when someone tries to learn web designing.

  • HTML make sure about the proper formatting of text and images for the browsers.

  • Without HTML the browser would not know how to display text as elements or load images or other elements.

  • Every browser supports HTML. We can store the big files which are allowed because of application cache feature

What are the Types of HTML tags


HTML has

  1. Block-level - elements
  2. Inline - elements
  3. Semantic - elements

Block-level - elements

  • Block level elements always starts on a new line.

  • The browser automatically adds space - a margin before and after the block-level elements.

  • Block level elements always takes up the full width available wrt to the element.

  • Every block level elements must have opening and closing tags.

Below are some examples for Block-level elements:


Inline Elements

  • An inline element does not start on a new line.

  • An inline element only takes up as much width as necessary.

Below are some examples for inline elements:


Semantic Elements

  • Semantic elements describes its meaning to both browser and the developer.

  • User can identity the element action by the name.

Below are some examples for Semantic elements:



Below are some most used HTML entities:


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